GEORGE MULLER - A Man Who Simply Trusted God...reflections by & about an ordinary man who placed implicit trust in an extraordinary God and took His Word at face value - "open your mouth wide, and I will fill it." (Psalm 81:10)
Simple trust in a sovereign God. Faith the size of a mustard seed. Starving thousands clothed and fed. Missions work supported worldwide. Passionate about his quiet time. Devoted to his Provider, God. Preached with power and fervor. Still renowned for his faith. George Muller.
Lest I forget that God is faithful, I have many reminders throughout my office. For this post I've assembled some of these "stones of remembrance" that serve to assure me that God will provide and that He knows my needs.
In the accompanying photo you can see the portrait of George Muller that graces my desk. The photo on the right of one of the orphanage buildings was taken when I visited Bristol, England earlier this year.Note: Click on photo for larger image.
The rock on the left was taken from a crumbling stone wall in front of one of the buildings. The other piece on the left is from the foundation of one of the orphanage buildings. The college that presently occupies these buildings was doing some renovations and I took this piece as a reminder of God's faithfulness and provision.
The book in the center is written by Roger Steer, Muller's biographer. Roger and I met in Exeter in March and enjoyed a wonderful time of Christian fellowship.
So, when I wonder if God will provide for our present needs I just need to look around my office. Of course His word declares His faithfulness and I just need to trust His promises.