GEORGE MULLER - A Man Who Simply Trusted God...reflections by & about an ordinary man who placed implicit trust in an extraordinary God and took His Word at face value - "open your mouth wide, and I will fill it." (Psalm 81:10)
One evening while watching a video on the life of J. Hudson Taylor produced by Ken Anderson Films I was thrilled by one particular scene. Taylor and his wife Maria were sorting through the incoming mail for that day when Maria commented that a cheque had arrived from England, generous financial support from George Muller. I had known of Muller's impact on the life of the man who opened up inland China to the gospel but seeing this scene excited me.
George Muller, over his lifetime, was one of the primary supporters of J. Hudson Taylor and what was then known as the China Inland Mission.
God not only supplied the needs of Muller and his orphanage work but provided for many others around the world through Muller's obedience and stewardship.
"God uses men who are weak and feeble enough to lean on him." - J. Hudson Taylor